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Student Services: List


Decoding, Fluency, and Reading Comprehension; offered 1-on1 in-person or virtually (50 min)

Lakemere offers intensive evidence based reading interventions for all types of learners.  Our programs are aligned with current research in effective reading instruction for both typical students and students with learning differences.  Lakemere’s multi-sensory structured language reading interventions address all five components of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary.  Our specialist will assess your student to create an individualized plan tailored to the unique needs of your child.


Written Expression and Handwriting; offered 1-on1 in-person or virtually (50 min)

Written Expression: Writing is one of the most complex tasks we ask students to do.  It requires the integration of many skills and thus carries the heaviest cognitive load of all subjects.  Lakemere’s writing interventions provide robust research-based instruction in all areas of written expression.   We can begin with a student just learning to form letters to high school and college students who have significant gaps in the writing skills.  Whether your student lacks the basic grammatical knowledge to compose well-constructed sentences or they have great ideas but once they start to write they lack organization and clarity of thought, we can help.  Many students experience a great deal of anxiety related to writing, quickly get overwhelmed, and just “can’t get anything on paper.”  In our supportive and systematic approach we build confidence and draw out each student’s unique voice.  One of the greatest joys in teaching writing is in how well we get to know each student as they learn to express themselves more effectively and discover more of who they are themselves!

Handwriting Class: Fluent and efficient handwriting requires more than just well developed fine motor skills.  Effective handwriting is a developmental need that benefits brain development and supports early reading acquisition.  Through the use of fun games and activities, we develop proper pencil grip and hand movement, which becomes the ideal foundation for letter and word formation.   As students gain proper control and increased skills, we move to explicit and systematic instruction and practice in proper letter and word formation.  Prevention of handwriting problems is always ideal, but we recognize many students are not provided with the proper instruction and practice in preschool and kindergarten years.  We offer remedial work to correct grips, when possible, and work toward more efficient and fluent handwriting.  Handwriting classes are intensive but short in duration.  Each 30 min session is short and fun.  Typical courses run 4-6 weeks at 4-5 days per week.  While we screen students and customize their coursework, handwriting clinics are not considered Occupational Therapy and are not covered by insurance.  If you need an Occupational Therapy Evaluation, we can provide a referral upon request.


Computation, Fluency, and Problem Solving; offered 1-on1 in-person or virtually (50 min)

Not a math person?  You could be with the right kind of instruction!  Did you know that many math deficits trace back to challenges with language and number sense?  Abstract math concepts can and should be taught in concrete, tangible ways.  Lakemere Learning is one of the few places in Dallas/Ft. Worth that specializes in math disorders such as Dyscalculia.  We work with students using hands-on methodology and visual strategies to decode the language of math.  Lakemere will develop a plan specific to your student that incorporates strategies for problem-solving, computation, and mathematical reasoning that will work for their unique cognitive profile.  Our highly trained teachers can decode the math obstacle and build lasting confidence.

Offered 1-on-1 in-person or virtually (50 min)

Lakemere Learning is passionate about helping students achieve success.  Our Academic Coaches help students develop the executive function skills they need for success in school, college, and beyond.  Academic Coaching is not tutoring.  Tutoring focuses on reteaching and reviewing content covered in class.  Academic Coaching prioritizes learning strategies for projects, test preparation, daily homework, memory tools, and organization of time and materials. 
*Some students are effective with once per week with 1-2 remote check-ins per week via text or Zoom.  Other students need twice per week.  The frequency will depend on the age of the student, course load, level of independence, and follow-through with remote check-ins.

Small groups 4-8 students depending on age; offered online 2 Days per week  and 4 Days per week

  • Reading​

    • Lakemere Learning’s core reading instruction has been implemented in both private and public schools for the last twenty-five years with great success.  We are pleased to offer this same high-quality instruction virtually during the COVID crisis.  Lakemere’s grade-level reading classes address phonological awareness, phonics, decoding skills, vocabulary, and fluency.  Spelling instruction is integrated throughout the curriculum as spelling is a fabulous way to develop fluency with phonics and better decoding skills.  * If your student needs more in-depth instruction in reading comprehension instruction please see our literature classes.  

  • Literature Class

    • Does your student already know how to “fall into a book”?  If so, then join our journey to read more deeply.  If your student has yet to fall in love with reading, join a supportive community where they can learn the skills they need to go to new worlds through great literature.  We start with great books!  Then we add fun peers and experienced passionate teachers.  Next, we engage a process that teaches students the explicit systematic thinking skills needed to read with deep understanding.  What makes Lakemere’s approach different? Teachers do not pre-digest the book for them and tell them what is important.  Students own their thinking as they engage their classmates.  Like all Lakemere Learning instruction, our methods are based on sound research and taught by certified teachers specializing in their instructional area.  Classes are offered in 2 day or 4 day per week options M-Th for 16 week semesters.

  • Written Expression

    • Grammar, mechanics and writing...Oh my!  That’s right.  The rules and tools can be fun and oh, so necessary.  Lakemere’s grade-level classes in written expression incorporate a structured approach to teaching grammar and mechanics so that students not only become fluent in the rules but also the why.  We balance memorization with natural authentic language experiences that keep grammar from becoming dry and tedious.  Written expression class is often where students find their voice and build confidence in new ways.  Since Lakemere specializes in students with learning and attention issues, we are able to adapt instruction as needed for students who find writing particularly intimidating.  Because the curriculum is spiraled, this class is appropriate for students who already excel in written expression and language as well as those who may be a bit behind.  Classes are offered in 2 day or 4 day per week options M-Th for 16 week semesters.​

  • Math

    • Grade level math instruction using Saxon Math and supplemental hands-on activities that focus on mathematical reasoning.  Lakemere Learning specializes in helping students translate math language into English language and vise versa.  Through deep conceptual understanding with hands-on lessons, abstract math concepts become more concrete.  Classes are offered in 2 day or 4 day per week options M-Th for 16 week semesters.​


Taking Control of Your Time; offered 1-on-1 in-person or virtually (50 min)

Are you tired of being your child’s personal assistant?  Are you frustrated trying to learn four different instructional platforms?  Is your boss wondering why her direct messages are going unanswered while you look up your child’s login information?  Let Lakemere’s amazing Academic Coaches promote you back to CEP (Chief Executive Parent) while we keep your student on track.  Virtual or homeschooling is a challenge when students have not learned the executive functions and self-monitoring skills needed in virtual and home learning.  Our coaches are exceptional at building rapport, breaking down tasks into manageable pieces, and encouraging follow-through.  Motivation combined with specific skills is essential to making COVID education work for a variety of learners.  Our coaches are also knowledgeable in assistive technology and how we can help each student work smarter, not harder in this new approach to learning.  Depending on the virtual/homeschooling plan for each child, coaches can have weekly, daily or even multiple daily remote check-ins with students to help them stay on track. 

For older elementary through college students who benefit from the accountability of virtual study groups, those are arranged with each coach on an as-needed basis (grouped by ages).


Offered 1-on-1 in-person or virtual (50 min)

Work with one of our talented specialists to get you ready for college.  Lakemere Learning can help you with the application process, essay writing, test taking strategies (SAT/ ACT) and career planning.  We can help you feel confident in your responses and get you started on the path to success! 

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